ðŸ’đCustom Items

The special items in pyrofarming make your growstation better for growing plants. They all help with plant growth.

How to see the items?

To view the custom craftable items, follow these steps:

  • Place a composter.

  • Right-click the composter using any type of hoe.

Once done, you'll be able to see the list of craftable items available to you.

Most recipes require specific levels so be sure to keep that in mind before trying to craft them!

Lava Lamp

Lava lamps help create a warmer growstation environment, beneficial for plants that require higher temperatures.

Pyrotheum Orb

Pyrotheum Orb can help create a warmer growstation environment, beneficial for plants that require higher temperatures.

Heart of Belphegor

Heart of Belphegor can help create a warmer growstation environment, beneficial for plants that require higher temperatures.

Basic Water Golem

The Basic Water Golem assists in nurturing your growstations, aiding the growth of plants.

Intermediate Water Golem

The Intermediate Water Golem assists in nurturing your growstations, aiding the growth of plants.

Advanced Water Golem

The Advanced Water Golem assists in nurturing your growstations, aiding the growth of plants.

Industrial Fan

The Industrial Fan can help create a cooler growstation environment, beneficial for plants that require cooler temperatures.

Subzero Wisp

The Subzero Wisp can help create a cooler growstation environment, beneficial for plants that require cooler temperatures.

Vessel of Boreas

The Vessel of Boreas can help create a cooler growstation environment, beneficial for plants that require cooler temperatures.

Overworld Orb

The Overworld Orb changes the environment around your growstation into the overworld, beneficial for plants that require the overworld environment.

Nether Orb

The Nether Orb changes the environment around your growstation into the nether, beneficial for plants that require the nether environment.

End Orb

The End Orb changes the environment around your growstation into the end, beneficial for plants that require the end environment.

Last updated